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Hudson Mohawke – Foxy Boxing [BBB Recommends]

Hudson Mohawke - Foxy Boxing

Hudson Mohawke – Foxy Boxing [BBB Recommends]

Best Electronic Music, Electronic Music, Tracks

April 24th

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“So much of what we listen to is safe, on trend and often, for DJs in particular, fits a one dimensional musical preference. A status quo that most of us don’t even realise we’re trapped in. If this is true for you and everything is feeling a little Coldplay, then Hudson Mohawke – Foxy Boxing is here to help”…

Hudson Mohawke – Foxy Boxing

Innovative, Inspiring, Exciting, Provactive, Intriguing, Captivating, Adventurous, are words you rarely see used in your average music review. Often the writer will attempt to put into words what a record sounds like. A feat that we’ve attempted many times ourselves. However, on reflection, this does seem a somewhat pointless exercise when you consider that the reader is simply just going to press play and hear if for themselves. Perhaps it would be better, and most likely more interesting, if we were to simply share how Hudson Mohawke – Foxy Boxing made us feel? After all music is about connection.

To put it simply ‘Foxy Boxing’ made us excited to play it out. Much like when we first discovered Soulwax, Erol Alkan, Justice and co in 2005, it has an energy and vibrancy that is too good not to share. The type of record that you want to play loud or hear someone else play loud; unless, of course, its your DJ partner and he drops it before you can get to it…

So if everything is feeling a little Coldplay, then hit play on the links provided. Or download for FREE directly from the label that released the record: LuckyMe.

LuckyMe – Advent Calendar 17

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