‘Blah Blah Blah’ Round Up 2020 [House, Techno, Deep House, Tech-House] Pt.3

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Top Tracks 2020 Pt.3 – covers everything from House, Techno, Deep House, Tech-House, Electronica, Bass and in-between . Pt.3 of our end of year roundup comes direct from the horses mouth – us.

So what a year, a year to remember thats for sure – both good and bad. Yet despite all the lockdowns, club closures, Zoom calls, Trump tweets and need to be social distanced the music kept flowing. In fact it flowed to such an extent that in the UK more than 155m albums were bought or streamed in 2020, an increase of 8.2%, according to record label body the BPI. That said it feels odd doing an end of year round up. Unlike previous years the music feels somewhat isolated, cut off from its natural habitat. There’s no sense of moment or highlight to help define and elevate the record beyond its intrinsic sonic qualities…

But hey, here are what we consider the best tracks of 2020 [In no particular order]

Top Tracks 2020 Pt.3 – Blah Blah Blah

LISTEN Blah Blah Blah Records

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