Playlist – Unstoppable ‘Pop, Rock, House, Hip-Hop & Guilty Pleasures’
“Unstoppable is a crowd pleasing playlist. Something for everyone, without being overly cliched and obvious. Great for a house party, road trip or long run. Hit link, shuffle and crank it up”…
Playlist – Unstoppable ‘Pop, Rock, House, Hip-Hop & Guilty Pleasures’
Life can be far too serious at times. As humans we tend to stress over the smallest and most insignificant things, particularly in the Western World. Our hair, clothes, choice of car, music we’re prepared to share in a playlist, all begin to dominate our daily routine. We become overly concerned with what image we’re projecting on the outside, regardless of whether it matches the image on the inside. As a result life becomes much more of a challenge than it needs to be and for many of us joyless. Not to mention repetitive, unoriginal and uninspiring. A historical and global issue that needs to be broken. But how?
The answer it pretty simple really. Stop worrying what other people think. A good example of this relates to two words we have used in the title of this post – ‘Guilty Pleasure’. What is a guilty pleasure? It’s basically something you really like but are not willing to admit in public. How dumb is that. You really like a particular song, lets say it’s ‘Justin Bieber – Sorry’, however you can’t admit to it, out of fear of committing social suicide. Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters summed it up best when he stated:
“I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you fucking like something, like it. That’s what’s wrong with our generation: that residual punk rock guilt, like, “You’re not supposed to like that. That’s not fucking cool.” Don’t fucking think it’s not cool to like Britney Spears’ “Toxic.” It is cool to like Britney Spears’ “Toxic”! Why the fuck not? Fuck you! That’s who I am, goddamn it! That whole guilty pleasure thing is full of fucking shit.”
So there we have it, stop taking things so seriously and following the crowd. Like what you like, as long as it doesn’t hurt other people, and allow your internal image to become you external image. We’re all unique for a reason, so embrace it like our playlist – ‘Unstoppable ‘Pop, Rock, House, Hip-Hop & Guilty Pleasures’.
[NOTE]: The Unstoppable playlist is regularly updated with new music.