Playlister and Playlists

Playlists, are they worth the time, money and effort trying to get on them? The short answer to that question is yes and no.

When releasing music today, our success is partly governed by algorithms, whether we like it or not. All streaming services use them, and as artists, we need to trigger them – it’s just how it is unless you’re releasing physical only. Essentially, these algorithms crunch several data points, such as playlist placements, plays, followers, saves and skips, to determine whether it should promote our music to a broader audience. Therefore, it is essential to note that playlists are primarily good for plays, not followers, and saves compared to a targeted ad campaign, making playlist submissions part of the marketing plan, not the whole plan!

Discover and get discovered with Blah Blah Blah.

How to submit music to BBB Spotify Playlists

1. Head to our Submit Hub profile

2. Login or Sign up

3. Purchase premium credits (5 credits <$1.20)

4. Submit A Song (1 Credit)

Any questions – Get in contact below

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