As far as we are aware this is the first Boiler Room to hit the pebbly shores of our home town, Brighton. Which when you consider the rich vein of electronic talent that runs through our city, both past and present, it is perhaps a little surprising. However, such thoughts are somewhat churlish in the face of a brand that has established itself as a right of passage for all aspiring DJs and Record labels. The Boiler Room sits alongside the Essential Mix, playing Space, and recording a Fabric mix as key achievements in electronic music and we are pleased to announce their presence in Brighton with the Norman Cook owned ‘Southern Fried Records’……tune in from 7pm


Despite a secret location, you wont miss any of the action: (BOILER ROOM – Southern FriedĀ at 7pm)

Southern Fried Records Boiler Room

7-7.45 Boiler Rooms Dj’s
7.45-8.30 The Emperor Machine
8.30-9.15 Maribou State
9.15-10 The 2 Bears