Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah – Blah Blah Blah 2011-2016 [Mixtape]

No mazy thought provoking insights today, its my Birthday (Dec 1st) and Ive recorded a mix documenting BBB’s 5 years as a label. A label in recent months I have begun to progressively doubt, they say that you’re often your own worse critic, well thats definitely the case with me, however as I started to select the tracks, which range from Techno, though House to Electronica, it started to become very evident that the artists we have worked with have written some damn fine music. So if you can suspend your belief that this is just an articulate PR post and give the music a try, Im confident my flowery words will prove well founded.

Track List
01 Intro
02 Reid – Diptera
03 Fortunate War – Lemon
04 Bowski – Juno’s Jupiter
05  – Uncomfortably Numb
06 Arka – Severan
07 Cropper – Untitled (Coming Soon)
08 Cropper – Forever
09 Fortunate War – Because Because
10 LTMDTW – Brighter Day
11 PanLeft – HRTS
12 Blacksmif – How The Fly Saved The River (Lorca Remix)
13 Shaolin Colour Cult – Shadow Moses


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