Bicep Mixtape – Synthol Hit : Part II
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Bicep Mixtape – Synthol Hit : Part II
Right now few can match Bicep’s rapid ascension to the top. Thankfully, unlike some recently elected officials, who shall remain nameless, their rise to the top has been anything but elitist and contrived. Bicep have simply written and played music they’re evidently passionate about, and that enthusiasm has propelled them from gym runts to gym Gods. And now, just as the dust is settling on another heavily stacked year it would appear the Belfast duo are preparing one final flex with their second Synthol Mixtape, the rather cunningly titled – Synthol Hit : Part II.
The original Synthol Hit soundtracked our epic run across Sahara Desert earlier this year and if its second edition is anything like its predecessor it will be instantly engaging, thoughtfully sequenced and chock full of exclusives that mere mortals like us can only dream of owning.
In their own words “Synthol Part II – Packed fulla unreleased tracks, exclusive edits, bootlegs and lots of stuff from our recent sets ENJOY!
Bicep – Synthol Hit : Part II [ Playlist ]
Bicep – Synthol Hit: Part 1
LISTEN Blah Blah Blah Records