There comes a time in every producers life when the tunes inevitably become more widely accessible, whether this is due to the shifting sands of popularity coming round to your way of thinking or simply a personal desire to be less obtuse, or both, it seems to happen with consistent regularity. Take Fantastic Mr Fox’s latest record ‘The Trap‘, Leon Vynehall’s ‘Brother‘ or even Hemlock comrade Guy Andrews recent 7am record, all of which to a certain extent stopped being the exception and moved a little closer to the mean. I think its fair to say that a little more accessibility will undoubtedly help the record sales and the artist fee, for example Leon’s Brother is currently sitting 43rd in Resident Advisors top 100 charted tracks of 2013, and if well judged, like Brother, it wont damage your reputation either. Like the artists mentioned above Untold tends to be more left of centre than most, and through his own productions and Hemlock label has firmly established himself as a well defined creative force within the UK underground and therefore has more licence than most to try something different.
Untold – Traga / Glare is out now and fully deserves your attention.