‘Lets Go Dancing’ for us has been Tiga‘s strongest release for sometime and drafting in the likes of Breach & Maya Jane Coles on remix duties suggests an artist who is determined to reinvigorate his profile. This is not to say Tiga has lost the ability to write a good tune, however music has a tendency to move on in both audience and style. Turbo, Tiga’s label is still a strong imprint, but like many of his 05-07 peers Tiga has seen his audience age, get married and quote the line ‘not on a school night’. Consequently todays kids are getting their kicks from fresh sources, such as Hessle Audio, Numbers, Hypercolour, Aus, Hotflush rather than Turbo, Ed Banger and the sort. However as Erol Alkan and classic labels like Get Physical, Kompakt, and Crosstown Rebels have shown, a changing musical climate doesn’t have to spell the end. Tiga appears to be finding his feet again, and with Erol’s Phantasy rapidly becoming an essential imprint following Daniel Avery’s acclaimed ‘Drone Logic‘ LP its great to see our former hero’s back on their game, Lets Go Dancing….