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Jacques Greene to launch label ‘Vase’

Electronic artists have many more strings to their bows these days and the increasingly popular trend is to launch your own label, giving an artist instant credibility and status. However with the ever growing dominance of social networking in the consumption of music a new label really needs some sort of platform from which to launch itself, making an established artist the ideal choice. Next to enter the fray is Canadian born Jacques Greene with his Vase label. The first release ‘Concealer’ is due on the 30th of Jan featuring two solo productions and two collaborations with Koreless and Ango, check the preview below.

VSE01 / Jacques Greene – Concealer (preview)

A1 – Flatline (feat. Ango)
A2 – These Days
B1 – Clark
B2 – Arrow (feat. Koreless)

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