Koreless is another of these enigmatic producers who threaten big things before melting back to the sanctity of their studio for months on end. This is most likely a little frustrating for his agent as fees and volume of shows probably remain fairly plateaued. However it is becoming increasingly obvious that each time Koreless resurfaces for air it has been worth the wait, suggesting an artist who enjoys writing music above the other trappings often associated with increased musical notoriety. While he may not be consciously playing the long game his steady approach to output is ensuring a solid and lasting reputation from which he can continue to express himself, and when that debut LP drops that foundation should serve him well.


Sun lives up to previous records with resplendent atmospherics and sweeping melodies whisking you away from the urban grind as it calls upon those deeper spiritual desires of the soul. Sort of music you could imagine a film maker being drawn toward, wonderful stuff.

Koreless – Yugen EP (Young Turks) May 20th