Baby……by now you should know that indelible opening refrain from Julio Bashmore’s summer smash ‘Au Seve‘, arguably the summer anthem of 2012. To some Au Seve may have crossed the somewhat ambiguous line of commercial vs credible, however whatever your opinion, between ‘Battle For Middle You’ and ‘Au Seve’, Bashmore has established himself as a positive momentous force within electronic club music. Julio is now preparing his next single ‘Husk’.

Like Au Seve Husk feels quite simple in construction, with a standard beat clap hi-hat combination driving things forward, whilst a one note stab thrusts its way to the fore. Initially this beacon type note seems unremarkable, however its simplicity is its strength with it quickly refusing to be ignored as it develops into the tracks main hook. Julio further builds the drama with a combination of builds and drops underpinned by a solid analogue sounding bassline.

Overall you would have to say this is not Julio Bashmore’s most refined work, however its a good addition to his growing repertoire and like all his music has a certain inescapable dancefloor magnetism. Out soon on Broadwalk Records.