Whats everyone’s thoughts on the proliferation of super clean house? When we say clean we mean, crisp production, succint vocal loop, and a catchy but not overly expressive bassline, the type that Dusky, George Fitzgerald, Julio Bashmore and Breach among others are all over. Naturally this type of production is nothing new, however it would appear that this sound, particularly in the UK has found itself a strange quasi underground status but in reality is actually quite commercial in sound, perhaps because a number of the artists mentioned originally built their foundations within the more Bass led community. Whatever the reason, which Im sure could be debated for hours on end, its apparent the underground has got a little confused to its identity and like any scene I fear the over exploitation of a particular sound. Having said all that, Dusky are still producing the goods and whilst its not exactly reinventing the wheel, like the wheel not everything always needs reinventing……..at least not yet.


Dusky – Careless (Aus Music) Drops September 23rd