Blah Blah Blah

BrEaCh & Midland – 101

It would appear 2012 is all about who you can collaborate with, but are two heads really better than one? Next up BrEaCh aka Ben Westbeech is to enter the fray with his recently announced Midland collaboration ‘101’, due to be released on his ‘Naked Naked’ label. Midland himself is recently fresh from a collaborative project with Pariah and it would appear that his new techno edge has taken the lead on this effort. 101 like a number of tracks before it successfully combines techno beats and clanking synths with an accessible main room hook, in this case a 90’s rave riff and vocal loop. Whilst this effort is not breaking new ground the combined work is another solid addition to the growing catalogue of bass inspired techno that many DJ’s will be spinning once they get their hands on it, making this overall another good collaborative effort. However while we like ‘101’ and look forward to playing it out we are not convinced its either artist’s best work. Whether working individually would have produced something better is hard to say……

In addition to the Midland track its rumoured that BrEaCh will also be releasing work from George Fitzgerald, Dark Sky and T Williams, making ‘Naked Naked’ and exciting future prospect.

Thanks to Hyponik for the heads up.

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