At the risk of offending a few of you out there, we personally found the original a little too obvious for our liking, this is not to say it was a poor track, just it didnt quite stack up against some of Breach‘s other releases. Having said that its clear ‘Jack’ was designed with one simple purpose in mind, Jack the dance floor. Which for those of you who have spun it or danced to it will agree it achieves fairly effortlessly. Such is the weight of this record Dirtybird have decided to indulge us with a remix package…..

Breach - Jack (Mak & Pasteman Remix)

The Mak & Pasteman remix first came to our attention via a YouTube radio rip earlier this year, and we have been trying to get it on promo ever since. However despite our numerous polite emails of goodwill and support for the record we were denied on every occasion, ultimately to protect the records impact upon release, which in a world of streaming and YouTube rips is totally understandable, especially when you consider how quickly tracks loose their original zeal.

Breach – Jack (Mak & Pasteman remix) Drops July 14th