Free Sound Effects via the BBC Archives
“The BBC have made available over 16,000 free samples from their Sound Effects department. If you need a two stroke engine sample, a hot air balloon filling with air or a bunch of Werewolves howling into the night sky, then hit the following link to find out more”…
BBC Free Sound Effects No. 13 – Death & Horror [Vinyl]
The BBC have been producing and recording Sound effects since the creation of BBC Radio in 1927. From 1969 you could actual purchase a selection of these sound effects on Vinyl. Sound Effects Vol.1 was released in 1969 and the series continued until 1984, reaching volume 29. All of which you can find on Discogs, if you’d prefer a little authentic vinyl crackle with your samples.
If however the budget is tight and you need 16,000 free sound effects in full WAV format, now, then hit the link below and start searching. There is literally anything you can think of from gun shots to car engines and cats meowing.
Happy digging, just check the licence criteria before releasing your cat meowing masterpiece.
Hit the following link to start searching and downloading your free samples:
[BBC Sound Archives]
Thanks to FACTmag for the heads up.