From Dominic Smith at The Argus.

“Apocalypso is the name of their new album – and The Presets delivered just that.

Their harrowing antipodean aesthetic and monstrous, menacing racket, pushed Digital’s formidable sound system to the limit. It was not for the fainthearted.

Few bands can unite a crowd into euphoria using only sinister basslines and basic synthesized hooks. And few can whip up mass frenzy using only impossible frequencies and deafening decibels.

But beneath the cacophony were melodies as sharp as Violator-era Depeche Mode.

And while Julian Hamilton is lyrically challenged, his sneering vocals have a certain dexterity.

He oozes charisma too – like a Nick Cave, an Ian Curtis or an icy Neil Tennant.

Mid-set they dropped the formidable electro wizardry of Are You The One? The strobe flickered. The lasers swirled. And smoke from an overworked cannon choked us – but we just about survived the apocalypse.”

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