So Christmas & NYE are traditionally a time of excess and nothing is more excessive than the Regulate NYE Party. Across 3 Rooms, Regulate have assembled the finest of lineups, taking you deep in 2013, however if a 6am finish seems a little stingy you can always pop down to their After Party that will take you through to lunch time the next day. To win 2 tickets to this grandiose of shows read on….COMPETITION NOW CLOSED.

Regulate presents Swamp81 NYE

To win 2 tickets to both NYE & the After Party couldnt be easier, read the Q&A with Shadow Child below and answer question 2 inserting a), b) or c) into the following tweet. The correct tweets will be placed in the now fabled BBB tom-bowler and the winner selected at random. Comp closes Sunday 30th Dec at 5pm

COMPETITION CLOSED – Winner David Anderson (announced on Twitter) 

1) BBB: Are you ‘Bar Humbug’ or ‘Joy to The World’ when it comes to the Christmas Season?

Shadow Child: I’m more of a ‘Driving Home For Christmas’ type guy.. never far from my car and a motorway this time of year.

2) BBB: We generally feel the worst gift you can ever receive is a £5 book token for WHSMITH, have you had worse?

Did Shadow Child: answer:
a) My tour manager bought me some sponge bob socks once.. but we buy each other crap gifts deliberately every year.
b) My tour manager bought me some 99p old school walkman style headphones once.. but we buy each other crap gifts deliberately every year.
c) My tour manager bought me a table snooker set once.. but we buy each other crap gifts deliberately every year.

3) BBB: Being as the lineup for this Party is excessively big I guess you cant all play the coveted post midnight record. However if you were playing a questionable house party, what guilty pleasure would you drop to celebrate in the New Year?

Shadow Child: Beatmasters ft Betty Boo ‘I Can’t Dance..’

4) BBB: 2012 has been an impressive year for electronic music, any particular moments or records that stand out for you?

Shadow Child: Julio Bashmore ‘Au Seve’.. defines totally whats going on right now, if people roll their eyes or not it’s true.

5) BBB: And finally……..will you be attempting a January detox, despite knowing you’ll fail within the first week?

Shadow Child: If I had time I’d love to.. I’ll leave the Mrs to that!