Still deciding where to go this Easter Weekend, well trouble your mind no further, the lovely people over at ‘Point Blank Studio’s‘ have given us 3 pairs of tickets to give away for this Thursday’s Brighton leg of Claude VonStrokes & Justin Martins ‘Hatched Tour’. Starting off in their home City of San Francisco the Dirtybird clan are traversing the globe offering well cooked beats in the Cities that matter, New York, London, Detroit, Paris, LA and of course Brighton.
To get your hands on these tickets you simply need to log onto Facebook and post the correct answer to the following question in the comments section of this post.
Q. Why is Dirtybird called Dirtybird, was it…..
a) A drawing Barclay Crenshaw aka Claude Vonstroke used to draw as a child?
b) Inspired by Justin Martins favourite track when growing up ‘Dirty Diana’
c) An ex-girlfriend who believed that the human body washes itself, resulting in the nick name Dirty Bird.
Competition CLOSES April 4th at midnight. Correct entries will be placed in the BBB tom-bowler and three winners will be randomly chosen. The first name out of the hat will also get a signed copy of the Hatched CD and a limited edition t-shirt along with 2 tickets for Thursday’s show.
Winners will be announced and contacted 9am Thursday morning, giving you plenty of time to select an appropiate outfit for what promises to be a heavy night of bouncing beats and slick grooves.
Easter Thursday 5th April @ Audio, Brighton – ‘Dirtybird All Nighter’