Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs [Remix] – The Whole World Tucked Away
“Phew, it has been a while. We were beginning to think that Oxfords beloved Jurassic musician had decided to take his name literally! So does this mean ‘Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs [Remix] – The Whole World Tucked Away’ marks a much overdue return? And if so, has it been worth the wait?”…
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs [Remix] – The Whole World Tucked Away
TEED is back. And not with his ‘Garden Shed’ Spotify playlist. Although that would make an interesting addition to his already published Kitchen, Bedroom, Car and Bath playlists [find here]. This time it’s an official remix for the band ‘Low Island‘, which fittingly follows his last remix for another Oxford based band – Foals. And if you didn’t already know Orlando aka TEED also hails from Oxford. So if it were not for Oxford we wouldn’t have hobbits, foals or enormous extinct dinosaurs…
So thanks to Oxford TEED has decided to break cover for the first time in 5 years, but has it been worth the wait. Well in truth the answer is yes and no. Yes, if like us you’ve been a ‘Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs’ fan for sometime. No, if this is your first introduction to his music. There are much better TEED records to discover. Such as ‘Household Goods‘ and ‘Garden‘. That said ‘Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs [Remix] – The Whole World Tucked Away’ has a strong House Music groove, ‘Brainbug – Nightmare’ like rave stab and vocal chop that made us want to start a band in Oxford!
All in all a welcome and satisfying return, here’s hoping for more…
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs [Remix] – The Whole World Tucked Away