Seb Wildblood has developed himself quite a congreation of loyal followers over the last few years, as his London based party ‘Church‘ has established itself as a leading light when it comes to forward thinking lineups. Not content with just cramming eager clubbers into their Corsica home, Seb has looked to spread the message further with the recently launched Church record label, and his own self penned productions. At first glance you maybe forgiven for thinking that Seb’s label was an excuse for him to get his name pressed on those much coveted black discs, however you only have to listen to his remixes of Happa and Rumah to realise that Kerri Chadler’s Madtech spotted something most other labels may have missed…..


Seb Wildblood’s debut EP is an accomplished slice of electronic music from a producer who is clearly developing his craft. Toreki is perhaps a little too simplistic in construction, rather than sounding stripped back it sounds a little short on ideas, with generic claps, kicks and shakers driving along a rather monotone synth line, this is not to say the track doesnt work, but when you compare it to Lusk and the remixes you may, like us, be surprised that this was chosen as the lead track. Lusk is a bright and breezy number that combines dancefloor weight with a soaring piano refrain that should see it complimenting many a warm up / festival set this summer. Unlike Toerki Seb has included some nice addtional FX flourishes throughout the track, which give the music more texture and warmth. However as good as Lusk is, its the Artifact remix of Toreki that screams for your attention. Sensing the potential of the original Artifact intuitively adds in the missing sonic layers, whilst injecting a menacingly urgent rolling techno groove, highly recommended.

Overall Seb Wildblood has delivered a strong EP, and on the strength of his relatively young label and club night, you’d have to say he is one to watch.

Rating 7/10 (Artifact Remix 8/10)