Last week we launched our 2016 playlist, yes we know its only Jan 18th, but before you get all judgemental and cynical let us explain. Every Monday throughout the year we will be updating this playlist with the latest cuts that have caught our attention that particular week. Hopefully come the end of the 2016 this playlist will be a verifiable summation of the year just gone… Next up Raw MT & Dan Shake.
This week we have got another two tracks for you. First up is RAW MT via Lobster Theremin with his track ‘Richard’s Revenge’. We couldn’t find a single Soundcloud file for Richards Revenge, so you’ll need to skip to the third track on the file we uploaded. This is not to say the rest of the EP is a waste of your time but ‘Richards Revenge’ is the clear pick for us with its pounding Da Funk type kick, off beat hi-hats, 90’s acid and moody pads all culminating in a weighty head down late night groover. We love the cover art also (see above). Second on this weeks picks is a new producer to us ‘Dan Shake‘. From what we can gather Dan likes a good disco/funk sample and his new single ‘Northern Merry’ is his best example to date. If like us you were a huge fan of Daphni’s ‘Yes I Know‘ this is undoubetdly the record you’ve been waiting for. Four to the floor beats underpin a looping funk vocal and bass hook that have been stiched together like a cut & shut car, creating a gloriously grooving party record that is every bit as underground cool as it is a main room crowd pleaser.
PS Dan Shake’s is giving away ‘Northern Merry’ as a FREE download for the next couple of days via
[Band Camp]