Leon Vynehall – Movements (Chapter III)
“Leon Vynehall – Movements (Chapter III) is the second single to be taken from the forthcoming, New York focusing, ‘Nothing Is Still’ LP. All of which are inspired by his Grandparents emigration to the big apple”…
Leon Vynehall – Movements (Chapter III)
As we said in our previous post on the forthcoming ‘Nothing Is Still’ LP “to be truly creative, you’ve always got to risk a few lefts, especially when everyone else is heading right. And ‘Envelopes (Chapter VI)’ most certainly suggests that ‘Nothing Is Still’ is aiming left”. Well Leon Vynehall – Movements (Chapter III) is very much on the same trajectory. Although oddly, for us, Movements holds a striking resemblance to Cropper – Sunlight.
Like Croppers recent ‘Sunlight’ record, Movements (Chapter III) centres around a throbbing double bass that is reassuringly laid-back and warm. A sound that when joined by a sultry Saxophone could have easily been plucked from one of the many legendary New York Jazz clubs. So illustrative is the sound that you can almost picture his grandparents tucked away in the corner of a hazy 60’s jazz club, sipping a cocktail, while the thrum of the local band fills the air.
‘Leon Vynehall – Nothing Is Still’ is released June 15th 2018.
Listen: Leon Vynehall – Movements (Chapter III)