Joris Voorn is one of those mega names that you often get the feeling is not cool to appreciate, yet you only need to listen to his now legendary Balance 09 mix and his more recent Fabric mix to know that this is a man passionate and meticulous about his music. He’s not one of these big names who throws cake or declares ‘F*#k Me Im Famous’ but rather he crafts and creates, he also makes every effort to tweet or retweet every show he plays and can regularly be found replying to fan’s via his twitter account. Not only that he is a keen photographer, for those of you who follow his Instagram account will know that he has an acute eye for frame and composition as he captures various moments throughout his travels. The point we’re trying to make is that despite his epic global status, and no doubt considerable personal wealth, Joris Voorn is an artist to his very core and ‘Looks Fake Obviously’, which debuted on his recent Fabric 83 mix, encapsulates his persona. Melodic, driving and for regular readers of BBB we’ll roll out our classic 90’s progressive house analogy. The sort of record you could imagine a nostalgic Sasha & Digweed snapping up and spinning for all its worth.

For some the tone is perhaps overly obvious and Joris Voorn too big a name to even consider, but big or small, music is music and we think this is a great track, a track we had on repeat often whilst driving the car and playing the aforementioned Fabric Mix.


Make up your own mind, but what ever you may think, Voorn is an artist to the core and whether you like his music or not he is one of the few big names who doesn’t appear to have forgotten why he started DJing and producing in the first place.

Joris Voorn – Looks Fake Obviously (The Story Until Now EP)