Monday morning, the skies are grey, the immediate future seems a little bleak, rain is hitting the window in a relentless march with no end in site. Dreams seem a hazy memory much like the weekend, perhaps the vitality of your youth is fading, perhaps you’re bemused by how your Facebook feed has become cluttered with engagement announcements and baby births, what happened to all your mates being tagged in slurring club shots or you being tagged in the latest pledge for Friday night oblivion. Life is not quite what it was or what you had planned, you’ve taken the reigns of adulthood and got yourself organised, salary, pet, perhaps even a mortgage and now you are mourning the vitality and unpredictability of your formative years…however, stir yourself, it maybe Monday, you job may suck, the year may feel as though it’s stuck in neutral, but lets be honest its just another day, no different from any other, jolt yourself into action, dont settle for greying the years out, get some inspiration…
[Photo By Chris Forsyth ]
Well hopefully our latest playlist ‘2016 WIP’ is just the inspiration you are looking for. Each week we’ll be updating the playlist with our latest finds and recommendations and hopefully come Christmas & NYE 2016 there won’t be too many turkeys in there…
Today’s records are: Giorgio Gigli – Il futuro è solo un ricordo di uno stupendo passato and Tessela’s – Luv Mix / Tenner Eclipse.