George Fitzgerald keeps the quality coming on his latest EP for Hypercolour. The ‘Needs You’ EP features two originals and a remix from Deetron, who’s Essential mix we recently featured on BBB.
Title track ‘Needs You’ is undoubtedly the star of the show, opening with a plaintive riff and vocal touches that could have been sampled from an asthmatic porn star. The seemingly innocuous drop into a bounding portamento bass line masks the flexing of Fitzgerald’s considerable dance floor muscle. On anything less than a full soundsystem the meandering chords and lazy vocal will be enough to disguise the power this track has lurking beneath the surface. Hearing this in a club should be an absolute priority.
‘Every Inch’ employs the opposite tactic by using offset claps and a cantering rhythm to give pace and urgency in place of brawn. Burst tubes of saturated chords provide a lush backdrop for the ever popular, although particularly well chosen, RnB vocal.
Deetron’s take on ‘Every Inch’ teases the vocal over a shuffling drum pattern before easing into a techno roller. Dark, syrupy spoonfuls of bass devour the low end and ribbons of acidic treble flutter over the top while Deetron threads the original’s vocal and chords in between.
The ‘Needs You’ EP is yet another success from the ample pairing of George Fitzgerald and Hypercolour. Fitzgerald has produced a track that’ll slot nicely amongst many a DJ’s set whilst also offering something that’ll stand out from the increasingly busy house crowd.
George Fitzgerald – Needs You EP (Hypercolour) OUT NOW
Rating 8/10