Bandcamp is essentially what Soundcloud was 8 years ago, fresh, exciting and all about discovering new music. Unfortunately Soundcloud has since lost some of that original lustre, allowing Bandcamp to step into the breach.
Like Soundcloud in its prime, BC is a platform for expression and discovery. If you’ve written some music, but dont have a record deal then Bandcamp is where you need to be. That’s not to say that Bandcamp is just wall-to-wall wannabe try hards who should just get a real job. It’s also a great community for signed performers and established labels. But thats only words, and words are not all we have, we also have 5 recent discoveries that we think should adequately illustrate the breadth of opportunity and talent Bandcamp has to offer.
Brutus – All Along [Belgium Punk]
Frenetic drums, hoarse vocals and a finger blistering bassline. Not for the faint hearted or any type of heart condition. Mosh Mosh Mosh…
Nocando – Bodied Feat. Ghetts [LA Hip-Hop]
Who doesn’t love Hip-Hop, well probably your mum, and for good reason! It’s sweary, opinionated, controversial and bass heavy. Well your mum’s not reading this so who cares…
The Kondi Band – Without Money, No Family (Chief Boima Remix) [Brooklyn House Music]
Yo DJ stop playing the Beatport Top 10, try something a bit different. If that’s you then this sneaky little summery remix of African artist Sorie Kondi is just the tip. Take me to the beach…
Dawn – Renegades [Pop, R&B, Trap – LA]
A top 5 discoveries wouldn’t be complete with a little R&B Pop with Trap overtones. Think Major Lazer, Rihanna minus the hype and this little gem should remind you that there’s more to pop than just getting on the latest Gym playlist…
Dion Lunadon – Com/Broke [Brooklyn Punk]
Like Brutus the Dion Lunadon hurtle towards you like a car whose breaks have just failed. Mushed guitars, sweat soaked drums and plenty of breathless wailing. Come on!!!!
Thanks to the Bandcamp Daily crew for featuring all these tracks via their own blog. Without their artist/band features we would have missed all these new discoveries.