If thumping kicks, crisp percussion, deep atmospherics, strong groove and smatterings of melody make you go weak at the knee’s, then you may want to sit down before spinning todays recommendation: Novio Dub Tribe – Kakiuchi Dub.

Novio Dub Tribe - Kakiuchi Dub [Akiba EP]

Novio Dub Tribe – Kakiuchi Dub is the lead track from the AKIBA EP and it’s Microhouse at its finest, well at least we think it is, as truth be told Microhouse is not a term we use that often. And with that in mind perhaps a better analogy would be to compare this record with an elaborate DJ Drum Tool or a bass led Pearson Sound, minus the perplexing the twists and turns. Either of which give you an idea of what to expect, but by no means the complete picture.

In reality Kakiuchi Dub is too detailed and powerful to be a simple drum tool and too accessible to be a Pearson Sound composition. Combining crisp yet cavernous percussion with Richter Scale registering bass and subtle melodics it’s the sort of groove that transcends both these comparisons with spirited ease. Perhaps not a Drum Tool but a Drum Weapon…

Thanks to Traumer for the heads up on this one.

Rating 4.2/5.0

Novio Dub Tribe – Kakiuchi Dub

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