Dusky team up with Swamp 81 guru Loefah on his new label ‘School Records’. Despite regularly getting tilted cap wielding bass heads in a frenzy with every protracted Swamp81 YouTube clip, Loefah has decided a new label is what’s needed. Like Swamp81 there is little information on anticipated music policy and future releases, however the one thing we can confirm is that ‘School Records’ will be both Vinyl and Digital, which for those of us who cant demand fully operational 1210’s at every show is a welcome move.

Dusky - Calling Me (School Records)

First up on ‘School’ are the rapidly ascending London duo Dusky, who in 6 short months have gone from relative anonymity to recording an Essential Mix. The new  EP is titled ‘Calling Me’ and as you’d expect from this slick twosome it’s all crisp beats layered with swathe’s of atmosphere and infectious groove. Overall its a bit more stripped and techno led than previous work but no worse off for it. Calling Me drops early December, allegedly?

1. Calling Me (vinyl & digital)
2. Muriel (vinyl only)
3. What I do (digital only)