Just in time for the weekend we have a party starting house monster thats had more chart entries than a recently deceased artists back catalogue…you name the DJ they’ve probably charted it.
Lead track ‘Never Wanna Lose You’ is all about the past with mid 90’s rave/hardcore drums seamlessly underpinning a moment of inspired crate digging gold. If you can’t dance to this, or your audience doesn’t dance to this, its probably time to hang up the headphones and find a new interest – baking or geography would be our suggestions…If on the other hand this post has you feverishly corralling you mates for a spontaneous night out, then the Daft Punk, mid 90’s Armand Van Helden grooving ‘Got Me’ will have you out dancing before your text messages are even marked read. Word of warning though, this release is vinyl only, and by the looks of things the only remaining source are unscrupulous Discog’s vinyl touts…24.99 already, not mentioning any names – ‘Vinyl Gems’
Doc Daneeka – Never Wanna Lose You (Ten Thousand Yen) Out Now