Ok, this is perhaps not the most earth shattering of predictions… Christine and the Queens have already amassed 332,000 Twitter followers, can consider Elton John and Madonna as keen fans, not to mention recent performances on Graham Norton, Jools Holland and Late Night in the US, plus a recent headline slot at London’s Roundhouse. However despite such a glittering resume and goddess like status in her homeland France, Héloïse Letissier aka ‘Christine and the Queens’ is still largely unknown to a British audience – reflected in her Friday 13.40 Other Stage Glastonbury slot. As to the reasons for this relative anonymity is unclear, the most plausible explanation being that the original release of her debut LP ‘Chaleur Humaine’ was recorded entirely in French, resulting in it inadvertently excluding itself from UK air time eligibility. In fact it was not until the LP was re-issued earlier this year in an English friendly format that Heloise’s French House inspired sound started to register on UK shores. On reflection it’s a glaring omission on our part as Brits, and that in order to get our attention, despite an obviously infectious and intriguing sound, we needed an English speaking version. Having said that the originally titled ‘Christine’ subsequently became the cross channel hit ‘Tilted’, and it can’t be denied that the anglo-perisian version is far superior in composition.


Whatever the reasons for Christine and the Queens relatively low profile in the UK; judging by their recent Glastonbury performance and the fact that my Dad, who never listens to music, recommended them after watching the Graham Norton show, we’re fairly confident in predicting that British if not Global anonymity will shortly be a thing of the past.

If you’re a fan of pop but like us are sick of the overly tired and predictable tropes currently dominating the charts – “drop the beat DJ” and such like, then our 26th entry into our ‘Electronic Artist of the Week‘ series is the remedy to your ills.

Recommended listening – IT // Science Fiction // Tilted // Narcissus is Back